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Phuket & Singapore 2009 – Day 12 – Flight Home


David & I  actually slept for a few hours on & off, Brendan slept most of the way! Of course he was a lot more comfortable  as he was half lying across me.

We bought some alcohol in the duty shop before going thru immigration & declared a few wooden items & nuts .

Welcome back to Sydney….hmm where do you go to be picked up, it was a bit confusing, in the end we found U/Fulv & A/Sue at a car park as that is the only way you can pick up. You must pay! It’s funny how all these new security/ anti-terrorist measures always seem to mean we have to pay more!

We said our hello’s & chatted about our trip on the way home. An hour later we pulled in the driveway – yes it’s good to finally be home.

All the animals were ok.

Started the dreaded washing & packing away before taking a nap & reflecting on our holiday.

One last note…. Just for Uncle Fulvio’s benefit…… There are Anaconda’s in Singapore!

Yes I know it’s a terrible photo ;-(

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Home Travel Phuket 2009 Phuket & Singapore 2009 – Day 12 – Flight Home